Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Teresa, Jeanna, and I were teaching the caregivers at Ethembeni, the hospice clinic, how to take blood pressure. They were so excited to learn basic nursing skills.
Here we are in the back of the buckie (truck) on our way to house visits in the Mpophemeni township. I went with two other caregivers to about four different houses.

This is a common sight in the township. The cows, goats, chickens don't really seem to be owned by anyone in particular but I am told they are owned by someone.
Cute little baby chicks :)

We got to visit the family center which is like a daycare center and afterschool center for kids affected by AIDS. Often times the kids in the family center are from child-headed homes-in other words the parents have passed away from AIDS.
The kids were so adorable and hungry for attention.

Grrr..lion face!
Don't you just want to hold her!
The girls loved to play with our hair. It was kind of painful at times :/ but worth it.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience. This morning I read about how we receive joy in giving. Briana, you sure looked joyous. Perhaps this is a fulfillment of your name.
