Sunday, September 13, 2009


We arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa 8 am Friday. After lunch at the mall we headed to this amusement park in order to fight off jet lag. Needless to say we were extremely tired, but the excitement of being in S. Africa and the fun things at Gold reef city kept us awake.
Here is Kimmie trying not to look tired.

They had a small animal area as well as quite a few decent roller coasters and a kids science zone.

A goat!

Such a proud llama :)

This is Jozi Express. A moderate on the scale of roller coasters, but the park had one called the anaconda which was awesome. They were slight differences compared to American theme parks. For instance, the operators of the ride do not come by to check that you are strapped/buckled in :/ Concerningly, after we rode on the Jozi express they shut it down. It stopped like 2oo feet from the end and would not budge.

But we still had fun! This is Adah and Aaron.

This is Melody, a fellow nursing major..woot woot!

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