Saturday, October 17, 2009

Living Water

Lately I have been good about working out. I have been so proud of myself because over the summer and in the past I might exercise maybe once or twice every two weeks. But here, I am able to roll out of bed somewhat easier at 6 am to go for a run three times a week with a group of girls. What really gets me out of bed is the excitement of possibly running into some Zebra! It’s amazing, I get to go running with the zebra and buck and other woodland creatures (minus lions ;) while here at AE. To be honest, I actually have done a lot more walking than running but my endurance is improving.
I had a revelation or vision that just has stuck in my mind as a result of running. When I get back from the run I am obviously thirsty because I haven’t drank or eaten anything yet. My routine is to grab my water bottle and head to the top of the waterfall. This is my favoritest (yes, that is a word because I say so) place at AE. I sit on a rock overlooking the running water with my feet dangling over the waterfall. It is magical. I was thinking that the Holy Spirit is kinda like the water. I have grown up hearing the scripture of Jesus being like living water. But now it has hit me what that really means.
Have you ever been to a river bed during the end of the summer or dry season? The water is stagnant. There is an overgrowth of algae and other unknown things. The water is murky and dirty. Basically, there is a pool of water which has been sitting there for a long time getting darker and darker.
But when the rain starts falling and the stream begins to flow the pool of water is disturbed. Have you ever seen the Avatar? I know, I know, it is a cartoon-but a good one :). Anyway, on the last episode of season 2, the avatar learns about the chakra. There are like five or something different chakras in oneself which are pools of water. In order to clear your mind and open your senses you have to have water flowing freely through each chakra. I thought this was such a great example of what the Holy Spirit does in your life.
As I sat at the top of the waterfall with the rushing, foaming water flowing and cleansing the pools of water of their murkiness and darkness, I realized that is what the Holy Spirit wants to do in your life. Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit to free our chakras so that our senses and mind can be opened up to what God wants to tell us, communicate with us. If we try to stop the water from flowing, if we try to stop the Holy Spirit from flowing in your life by ignoring the still quiet whispers; then your pool is going to get murky and full of algae, full of sin building up.
Jesus said that “If anyone thirsts, let him come to him and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’” (John 7:37-38). Jesus is offering to clear the sin from our life which is causing the stream to become murky and dark. He offers the cleansing and rushing water of the Holy Spirit to flow through your life. Will you believe? Will you open up your chakra through the power of Jesus’ gift of the Holy Spirit?

1 comment:

  1. When you receive the Holy Spirit, whether through faith in Jesus or through direct Understanding/Knowledge of the Father/God; it literally feels like someone has placed a water fountain inside the mid section of your belly, and it then begins to radiate throughout the rest of your entire body.

    John 14:20
    “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you”

    And like the above verse suggests, on that day, when you receive it, you will also know and experience, being one with everything. You feel the flow of the ALL, as if you were one tiny droplet of water, within the infinite ocean of life.

    It’s like God putting a little love in your heart…

    From – A stranger passing through…:-)
