Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cave Paintings

A couple Saturdays ago we went to Drakensberg mountains and hiked for about 45 minutes to see these cave paintings. The hike in Drakensberg took us to one of the richest rock painting areas in the world testifying of the culture, religion, and traditions of the Bushmen people.

After about a 45 minute hike, we arrived at the Main Caves which contained some spectacular images. Initially, the images were difficult to see on the rock but once I looked closer I noticed all the animals and people painted on the rocks. The informational plaques stated that the Bushmen were in the Drakensberg area from at least 5000 years ago until the 19th century. The art work on the rocks shows that their way of life was hunting-gathering and also shows the contact that the Bushmen people had with the European colonists and Black farmers.
There is evidence that the Bushmen people survived through hunting game as well as gathering planted foods. Eventually, the Bushmen also did business with the colonists and Black farmers by trading honey, game ostrich eggshells, and ivory in exchange for metal, ceramic items, maize, livestock, tobacco, guns, ammunition, and hunting dogs. Also, certain groups of Bushmen would corroborate with pastoralists and runaway slaves to raid farms for cattle. With the competition for land brought by the colonists, the Bushmen’s way of life changed and by the beginning of the twentieth century no longer existed.

Before any outside influence, the Bushmen were a thriving society with an appreciation for art and recording their history. The paintings are a reminder of a people who vanished by the influx of the west but are never to be forgotten because of their lasting artwork.

The countryside was absolutely gorgeous!

We did some rock climbing!
lol..here is Allison!

This is how high up we were :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Backpacking in the Drakensberg Mountains

The Nursing group (minus Kelsey R.) had an opportunity to go backpacking in the Drakensberg Mountains with Michael-the pastor of our professor's church. The countryside was absolutely gorgeous, the hike was definitly painful, and the experience was wonderful!
Pre-departure pict!

A contemplative pose.."The heavens declare the glory of God...."

here is an exhausted Bri. We hiked about 4 hrs. to our camping spot-mostly uphill.

This is the overlook from out camping spot. The land was virtually untouched by man. This is a natural waterfall which some of our group went swimming in with clothes-and two girls went in their birthday suits. lol I was not insane enough to freeze.

Here is our cave which was really a rock overhanging where we camped at.

It was Sal's Birthday on the day we hiked back!

The bridge to civilization! We survived :)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Homecoming Week Craziness!

Here are some pics from homecoming week! Needless to say we were crazy, tacky, and ridiculous but it was soo much fun!!

Day 1: Backwards/Inside Out day

Here are the ladies from my chalet minus one from left to right: allison, jeanna, me, kelsey, and teresa

Day 2: Crazy Hair/ Clash

Each chalet was competing for points every day. By the end of the week they were all tallied up and the winning chalet won...something awesome but unknown as of now.

Here is um, almost everyone on day 2.

Can you find my feet?

Day 3: Black/White Day

We went to Drankensberg Boy's Choir that day so we wanted to look a bit nicer.

Here are some of the boys during intermission. The choir is like second internationally. They were absolutely amazing! They sang a mix of songs anywhere from classically, to the Circle of Life from Lion King, to "we will rock you" by Queens, to traditionally African music, to a thunder/rainstorm.

Day 4: Twin Day!

Here is Jeanna and I attempting to be twins.

That night we had an Air Band Chalet Competition. Every chalet picked a song and choreographed a dance to it. Fun, hilarious times! Can you guess what song we danced to?

.....Battlefield by Jordin Sparks.

Day 4: Chalet Color day

Ours was pink...I conviently forgot to upload a picture of us all wearing pink. :/ I had to borrow pink to wear...apparently my pink clothes are too purplish.

Anyway, Friday night we had a Tachy Homecoming dance.

The Briody Wall!!! Cody, Melody, and I were the defense for our team.

Sunday afternoon we played soccer in the pouring rain with fairies flying everywhere! Ok, not fairies, but that is what I told myself so I didn't freak out at the thought of it. There were flying termites everywhere..ew. Apparently they are edible. And apparently if you say that you think a guy would not eat one he will actually eat a termite-live.

The sun came out by the end...but we were covered in mud :) Definitly one of the best soccer games of my life!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Brokenness and Hope

Jeanna and I were at Ethembeni and the Family Center in Mpophemeni for clinical again. Here are some pictures from the family center and written below is some reflection. The day also included time at the hospice center where HIV patients are in critical condition.
Note: Pictures are from Jeanna.

This is a 2 year old girl. She cannot walk. Notice the tiny limbs and distended stomach of a malnourished child.
This beautiful child just wanted to be held all afternoon. Just held and hugged and loved. That's all she wanted. She lives in a child-headed home.

They get one complete meal at the Family Center every day.

A future nurse??
A future surfer??

“I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint;
my heart is like wax;
it is melted within my breast;
my strength is dried up like a potsherd,
and my tongue sticks to my jaws;
you lay me in the dust of death.” Psalm 22:14-15

A mom will never see the fifth birthday of her son. A child will never feel the loving arms of their parent in a protective embrace again. A child will never walk. A child will never live to see his fourth birthday.
There is a girl who just wants to be held in a protective, loving embrace. She does not ask for sweets or toys, just your arms holding her tight. She looks up to you with the smile of innocence and joy. Her 13 yr old sister comes to pick her up and her 4 siblings to take them to a home without a mom and dad.
A two year old sits alone on the floor unable to walk. He smiles with joy as you tickle him revealing that all his baby teeth have come in. But yet he can’t walk. His limbs are the size of two of my fingers but his tummy is distended and firm. He cries when you put him down.
A 32 year old mom lies in bed fighting for her life. Her left arm is disabled from shingles. She cringes in pain as you touch her feet. She barely has the strength to lift a cup of fluids to her lips. Her blood pressure is extremely low. Rehydrating fluids just are not enough. Giving someone their medications just isn’t enough. Massaging her legs just isn’t enough. Holding a child all afternoon just isn’t enough. There is no cure to their physical sickness. I am not enough. I can’t fix the problem.
A people who have been beaten down and abused for centuries now have a new enemy, HIV. And it is murdering them mercilessly. Families are being broken up. What can be done?
I want to be numb. I just don’t want to feel anymore. There is so much pain and suffering. How do I come to terms with it? Why, God? Why? I have cried until I feel like I can cry no more but the sadness does not go away. My heart aches. How do I live with this knowledge?
Why? Why, God? Why do you allow such suffering and pain? Will they know your comfort? Will they know your joy greater than their suffering? What do I do with this knowledge? How do I mend this brokenness? Will this pain go away?
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Matt. 5:3-5
Brokenness brings a dependence on God. Recognizing that you are not enough brings a dependence on the One who is enough. Realizing you don’t have the answer brings a dependence on the One who is Sovereign for answers. Being emptied leaves you aching to be filled by the One who satisfies.
I am not enough but there is One who is. Jesus Christ gives hope. Hope of a day will their will be no more tears, mourning, or pain. A day where death will be no more. The evidence of sin is so much more pungent here. There is an urgency to share the good news of Jesus Christ’s salvation for all. No medicine or treatment will cure the disease innate in all of us. Sin is like HIV, like cancer. The only cure is Jesus Christ.
“Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’“ Revelations 21:3-5