Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cave Paintings

A couple Saturdays ago we went to Drakensberg mountains and hiked for about 45 minutes to see these cave paintings. The hike in Drakensberg took us to one of the richest rock painting areas in the world testifying of the culture, religion, and traditions of the Bushmen people.

After about a 45 minute hike, we arrived at the Main Caves which contained some spectacular images. Initially, the images were difficult to see on the rock but once I looked closer I noticed all the animals and people painted on the rocks. The informational plaques stated that the Bushmen were in the Drakensberg area from at least 5000 years ago until the 19th century. The art work on the rocks shows that their way of life was hunting-gathering and also shows the contact that the Bushmen people had with the European colonists and Black farmers.
There is evidence that the Bushmen people survived through hunting game as well as gathering planted foods. Eventually, the Bushmen also did business with the colonists and Black farmers by trading honey, game ostrich eggshells, and ivory in exchange for metal, ceramic items, maize, livestock, tobacco, guns, ammunition, and hunting dogs. Also, certain groups of Bushmen would corroborate with pastoralists and runaway slaves to raid farms for cattle. With the competition for land brought by the colonists, the Bushmen’s way of life changed and by the beginning of the twentieth century no longer existed.

Before any outside influence, the Bushmen were a thriving society with an appreciation for art and recording their history. The paintings are a reminder of a people who vanished by the influx of the west but are never to be forgotten because of their lasting artwork.

The countryside was absolutely gorgeous!

We did some rock climbing!
lol..here is Allison!

This is how high up we were :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Backpacking in the Drakensberg Mountains

The Nursing group (minus Kelsey R.) had an opportunity to go backpacking in the Drakensberg Mountains with Michael-the pastor of our professor's church. The countryside was absolutely gorgeous, the hike was definitly painful, and the experience was wonderful!
Pre-departure pict!

A contemplative pose.."The heavens declare the glory of God...."

here is an exhausted Bri. We hiked about 4 hrs. to our camping spot-mostly uphill.

This is the overlook from out camping spot. The land was virtually untouched by man. This is a natural waterfall which some of our group went swimming in with clothes-and two girls went in their birthday suits. lol I was not insane enough to freeze.

Here is our cave which was really a rock overhanging where we camped at.

It was Sal's Birthday on the day we hiked back!

The bridge to civilization! We survived :)